Monday, May 9, 2016

Loaves and Fishes

When you do things that haven't been done before, it's always a little scary.  The unknown is always a scary place.

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  Michael, being the Single Adult Ministry Director at our church, planned a fabulous Single Mothers Banquet to honor some single moms.  You never know on events like this how many to plan for or how many will show up.  So, he made his best shot in the dark, jumped off the cliff, and abandoned the rest of it to God to show up and show out.

Several new moms showed up; one brand new single mom to our church.  I started getting nervous that we weren't going to have enough food!  So, I started the "loaves and fishes prayer". Jesus fed 5000 plus with just a few loaves and fishes, so surely he could feed my roomful of single moms and their kids.

After the banquet where everyone was fully fed, almost everyone took a to-go box home because the food was THAT good!  And I'm sitting here right now eating up the leftovers that I got to bring home.  God seemed to keep filling that buffet enough to provide for everyone....then some.

Looking back on my blogs, I've prayed the loaves and fishes prayer for almost 6 years now.  No other way to live than to just jump off that cliff, abandon it all and let God show up and show out.  He NEVER fails!

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