The word recently is "Permanence". If you are a follower of my blogs, you know I struggle with not being really rooted in any one place physically. I grew up in one house my whole childhood. After I married Michael, that would no longer be the case. Let me give you a snapshot here: We were married 5 years before having our sweet Alex. In those 5 years, we lived in 3 different places in college, then 3 more places before we had Alex. Alex lived in 3 different places before her brother was born. After Evan, we lived between my parents' house and Michael's training dorm for about 5 months. Then 6 more places after that. Lost count yet? That's 17 different domiciles in our 22 years of marriage. 5 states in all. And seriously, we're not finished. I thought we were finished in North Dakota and could settle down for good there, but God had other plans for us. For this is the life God has called us to, and we've surrendered.
I have always made a pun of the verse Philippians 4:11, "I have learned in whatever STATE I am in to be content." That was always my joke when we moved to another state.
PERMANENCE. It first tickled my ears in a sermon a few weeks ago in John 16. A sermon about joy and how joy is rooted in permanence...unlike happiness which can be fleeting. That took me to Colossians 2:7, "Therefore, let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him." There are so many verses about being "rooted" in Christ and letting the roots grow deep. Roots sound pretty permanent. Soon after that sermon and that word pierced my heart, it showed up again in my devotional. The word "permanency" is not really a word that is thrown around a lot, so it grabbed me to see it again. "Our relationship with the Lord is one of permanency..." (The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon).
The lyric in the old hymn that most grabs my heart, "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above." Another nod to permanency.
Lastly is a song I'll be singing with our choir called, "My Anchor". Anchors cause permanency...and seem to help things that try to wander. My favorite line in the song is "I hold on to You, and You hold on to me."
My permanency is in the person of Jesus Christ. I am not of this world, so my home will never be here. My physical address is in the heavens, and I can't wait to get home!
We have no clue where God will send us next. It may be right where we are, it may be overseas, it may be literally anywhere. We have given Him a blank check, so it's up to Him where He needs us. But I have found permanence. Forever.
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