Thursday, February 9, 2012


I've posted time and time again about the amazing provisions of God.  Something I'm a little passionate about as of late.  When we think of "provisions" we usually think financially.  We think of tangible things that God provides for us.  But I learned today that God also provides for us in non-financial ways.  I guess it's emotional ways that I have now seen His hand of provision. 

We have 2 sets of really good friends who have recently left our church.  Various reasons have just sent them out to minister in other churches, which is fine.  But I miss those friends dearly!  It just becomes harder to stay connected to friends when you don't see them every week.  We used to go out to lunch with these friends after church and spend time during the week together at church activities.  They became fixtures in my life that I relied on and loved being around because they filled my life with positive energy!  They encouraged me and prayed for me. 

For the past week I have really been grieving the "loss" of these friends.  We've had them each over for dinner since our lives have gone on different paths, but just not the same constant contact as before.  God is writing different stories for each of us, and I'm just a little bummed that our stories have to go in different directions.  So, I was thinking heavily about each friend and praying for them.  I emailed each of them to let them know I missed them and wanted to see them!  So, coffee dates are in order with each.  Then God allows me to run into one of them today!  I never run into them in town, but God knew my heart needed that contact and He gave it to me.  He provided a moment with a friend for me today because He knew my heart needed that. 

After that connection, God let me in on a little secret.  These friends I am referring to have always been on the same wavelength as Michael and I.  Our stories and testimonies have always been very similar.  God is doing almost identical things in our lives.  Today, God revealed to me, that sometimes He has to "spread the wealth".  We were all in the same circle of influence with the same "story" of what God has been doing in our lives.  God wanted to increase that circle of influence.  So, He sent these friends to a new circle of influence so more people could hear the amazing story of our God!  He's providing for others' emotional needs by putting us all in different positions.  So, even though I miss my constant contact with my good friends, I'm okay with the reason we are on different roads.  I know someday I'll be spending eternity with them, so why have a pity party about a few measly years on earth.  I'll serve where I am placed and I'll be okay with them serving where God has placed them. 

Things make sense when God show us what He's up to. 

1 comment:

  1. I love love love that you pointed out that when God talks about and (promises us) His provisions, it doesn't always mean money. Often times the American obsession with money intermixes with how we interpret the Bible. When God provides for us, it may mean a sinking of the bank account, but we will have food on the table and a roof over our head. He provides emotional support through friends and family (and maybe not monetary support). Sometimes it does mean financial support, but not always. I love how you see God and His provisions. Thanks for the encouragement!
