This is not about what you've done,
But what's been done FOR you!
This is not about where you've been,
But where your brokenness brings you to.
This is not about what you build, but
what He built to forgive you! And what He
built to make you know
You are more than the choices that you've made.
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes.
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade!!
What a truly AWESOME song! And the message is spot-on! The lyrics are so profound to me. I've been focusing this past week on all the things that God has done for me. I've been realizing that no matter what I do, God's got me covered! I'm human and I make mistakes. I'm pretty sure you do, too! God never called me to be perfect. So, I'm just going to relish in His love. Because it is SO great and awesome.
Last night my son was working on his math. He has a test today and they have to do 100 addition problems in 5 minutes. He was practicing last night and could only get 95 problems done in 5 minutes. He cried and cried and called himself a failure. He tried again, and this time got 96 problems done, but again he felt as if he was a failure. My son is a competitive type and wants to be the absolute best at everything. I understand that, and I applaud his effort, but I still am madly in love with him even if he only gets 96 problems right. I still love him madly, deeply if he only gets 20 problems right. He's my son and nothing he does wrong will ever change that or make me love him less. I love him simply because he's my son.
Sound familiar? God loves me simply because I'm his daughter. I can't try to be a better daughter...I'm already perfect in His eyes. Jesus covers me and makes me absolutely perfect!
A few nights ago, somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind came a song from back in the 80's! Some of you might remember Steve Camp. He had a song that I just loved way back then called "He Covers Me". In all my thinking about how much God loves me, that song just appears in my brain. I love when God talks to me like that. It's super cool. Then you begin to realize that God has been reaching out to you for your whole entire life! You may not think that of your own life, but I guarantee you He has! You just haven't seen Him yet. Don't you know who you are?! You are someone worth saving. God loves you if you get 100 problems correct or just 5 problems correct. It's not about you and what you've done. It's about what's been done FOR you! It's about where your brokenness has brought you, or will bring you very soon.
He covers you. He's got your back. He loves you truly, madly, deeply (more of an 80's theme I've got going on!) Relish in how much you are loved today! And enjoy the sound of this 80's throw back:
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