Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My dad is the wisest man on the planet.  When I count my blessings in life, he is the first one I count.  The thought of my dad no longer being in my life is one of the most painful thoughts I have.  No one encourages me or gives me perspective quite like my dad.  He's had his share of trials in life and he uses his experiences to uplift me and encourage me through my trials.  He has gained perspective from his trials, and he passes that wisdom along to me.  I know just how much God loves me when I look at my dad.

He sends me the most encouraging emails.  I know I better have a tissue in hand when I'm about to open up his emails.  They are usually "A-ha" moments for me, and I love when I receive clarity!  I am now perfectly clear on my trials of 2010 and the months into 2011, thanks to my dad's wisdom.  I was thinking just this morning that 2010 was a year in which we needed about 75 percent faith.  Michael still had a job and income was flowing, so the only thing we really needed our faith for was trying to determine if he should get out of the Air Force.  2011 thus far, has been 100 percent faith.  The Air Force and the income is we are living on 100 percent provisions from God.  In all this, I have learned that regardless of the income we are bringing in for ourselves, we should ALWAYS be living on 100 percent faith! 

My dad reminded me that my perspective on my life has changed.  I have always been a good girl.  I was raised in a Christian home.  I married a Christian man.  I have worked hard and raised two wonderful children who walk with the Lord.  I serve God by working in children's ministry at my church.  I show kids the way to Christ.  The only problem with this line of thinking is the primary focus on "I".  I have been blessed to live life this way because of what God has given me and because of what God has done through me and to me.  A year full of trials has drawn me straight into God's big hands...right where I could not get on my own. 

I am now just a vessel.  God created me beautiful and useful in the beginning.  Through time, my vessel became broken, cracked, scratched, and not as useful as it could be.  Some of the paint has faded.  But I have now given my vessel over to God 100 percent.  It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.  All the things that can be accomplished now are because Christ does them through me.  And that's a much better way to live!  I am no longer broken, scratched, and faded.  I am beautiful and new.  And God made me for so much more than I was allowing in the past.  Let go, and let God.  Such a simple phrase with such punch!

Thanks, Daddy, for your wise words in getting me to see what God needed me to see.  What am I going to do when you are gone?  I love you. 

1 comment:

  1. Becky how beautiful and perceptive you are. You have two wonderful parents whom God uses in so many ways to encourage, teach, comfort, support and love those around them. I know your sweet face and tender heart are a reminder to them of God's faithfulness to them as they walked many of the steps you are walking now. He is also telling them "well done thou good and faithful servant" through you as they see their faith and efforts coming to fruition in you. You know that wisdom, guidance and encouragement you speak of.....well I see that in you too! Love and prayers, Delbra
