Okay. I have to brag on how great our God is! And of course, that can't be done without bearing my soul and laying it all out there, so here goes.
I'm sure most of you have read or heard that we were in a car accident which totaled my car. Bummer because it was such a good car, and it was paid off. We weren't expecting to get another car any time soon. Our finances are already stretched beyond stretching since Michael is making only about half what he used to make in the Air Force. Get a new job, you say? Well, he's right where God wants him and he's doing exactly as God has told him to do, so we have to be okay with the limited funds, and we have to rely fully on God to provide for us. When God's ready to give him another job, he'll take it, but until then....here we serve.
I was praying just yesterday and "reminding" God that we were in need of some extra money. In case you haven't noticed, God, we have to get another vehicle. Oh, also, God, I need some dental work really soon and that's going to cost a pretty penny which we just don't have. And God, I'm trying to raise my daughter to love and serve you, so there's this conference we are going to in April, and we need to start putting away money for that. God? Did you get all that? After that prayer, the entire day I was bombarded with lessons from God about His provisions. It was in my bible study. It was in my chronological bible reading for the day (weird how that happened). It was on the radio a few times. I think God heard me.
So, today, I go outside to get the mail. Amidst the Oriental Trading Company catalogs and junk mail, there is a letter. Handwriting I'm not too sure of and an address in Arkansas so I know it's friends of my parents. I open to find the sweetest card with a check for $100 from some people I love dearly and have known my whole life! And not only money, but some encouraging words that what we are doing in Grand Forks is exactly what God wants us to be doing. I won't say their name because I know they like to give without any fanfare. Apparently God had already been working in their heart to help answer my prayer before I even prayed it. Wowzers. God is so stinkin' good. And sneaky, He is. I love that about him!
If God is ever stirring in you to give to someone or do to something for someone, please do it! You may be the answer to someone's prayer. And what a blessing you would be! No one can ever tell me again that God won't provide. If God leads you to it, He'll lead you through it. That's my life motto. Lead on, oh God! Wherever You lead, I'll go!
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